Adopt-a-trail Program
Help is needed to keep the Gloria Braunhardt Bike/Pedestrian Trail attractive as the seasons pass year after year.
You can help the trails by participating in Gloria’s Adopt-a-Trail program. This will allow you to demonstrate your financial and community support of the bike path and the Little River Trail System to the many local people and visitors who use the trails every day.
funds raised this way allow our loyal contributors to supplement critical trail maintenance improving Gloria’s Trail as well as the entire Little River Trail System.
Working with the Newburyport Police Department, the markers provide one-tenth mile markers in case there are accidents along the trail. This will also allow Newburyport’s public safety personnel to respond promptly to any emergency.
Here are the details:
We are installing mileposts every one-tenth of a mile along the 1.2-mile Gloria Braunhardt Bike/Pedestrian Trail.
An attractive 5" by 8" sign on each milepost will show its exact location on the trail.
The signs will also display the name and contact information of a trail sponsor, with the option to add the sponsor’s logo as well.
Sponsors will make annual contributions as follows of $250 per sign.
Please send an e-mail to indyjerry@hotmail.com if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. Parker River Clean Water Association is a 501(c)3 volunteer-only non-profit and all donations are tax-deductible.
Here are the available locations.
Initial post at the Storey Avenue Beginning directly by the street.
1/0th mile post
2/10th mile post at the intersection of the Little River Nature Trail
3/10th mile post
4/10th mile post
5/10th mile post
6/10th mile post
7/10th mile post
8/10th mile post
9/10th mile post at end of pavement near Hale Street
10/10th mile post at Hale Street Trail Head.