Trail News & Notices
(Directed at Eagle Scout Spencer Gray, Eagle Scout Mitchell Gorski, Eagle Scout Zachary Elias, the local Boy Scout Troop 251 of Newburyport, Newburyport Conservation Commission, Parker River Clean Water Association Volunteers and local Greater Newburyport-Northern Essex County citizens)
The Fulfilled Goal: To maximize the handicap-accessibility of the trails!
The following achievements were no easy task as the Trail System
covered the sensitive Upper Little River Watershed composed of vernal pools, and wetlands, often just inches away from public paths.
What was accomplished:
A water-absorbent stone dust path hedged in by a wooden erosion border, directional signage throughout the 5.4 mile network of trails and a dramatic bog bridge through a wetlands, and the many hours of landscaping and brush and branch clearing has produced an educational/recreational treasure for the region to enjoy!
Help us raise funds for a
Utility Trailer
(every little bit will help!)
We have a need for a trailer so that large materials can be brought down to maintain the nature trails such as logs, lumber and transporting of soil. The goal is to raise $800.00. Every little bit helps and would expedite the maintenance duties as PRCWA oversees the care of the Upper Little River Watershed.
PRCWA is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit, Donations are tax deductible
Wildlife Concerns
The LRTS has an amazing array of birds, insects, and mammals in such a small area. Almost all (except ticks!) pose no threat
to humans or their accompanying dogs. Recent sightings of Bobcats have been a pleasant surprise. These beautiful, shy
creatures are a welcome addition to the forest. On the other hand, last winter we had a juvenile bear pass through. Fortunately
by April he had moved on.
For future reference, any sightings of a bear, or overly aggressive coyotes; should contact PRCWA immediately at
The Newburyport animal control officer via the police should also be notified.
Fish & Wildlife has indicated a population explosion in the bear population in the west part of Massachusetts
and many are migrating east to find new territory.
Never run from a bear, just back away slowly as many are as wary of humans as we are of them!
On the other hand, Coyotes are an issue
Please take seriously the large print warnings recently seen on this trail sign.
Unlike the coyotes in the west, eastern coyotes are actually 'Coy Dogs'.
(Canadian Timber Wolves crossed with wild coyotes and are considerably larger than the species in the West)
Many trail users have expressed concern over a forest of 'No Trespassing' signs encountered along the trails. It is a strange and
interesting story. At one time, Norbert Carey, a long-time Newburyport resident owned a land-locked piece of property
surrounded by city land. Local residents including some city councilors regularly walk their dogs through this lovely stretch of forest.
The fateful day came that he wanted to auction his land. It was assumed that since Essex County Greenbelt was monitoring the
conservation easement for the City on the surrounding land, they would bid for it. Then out of the blue, another buyer bought the land
for three times the value.
Then the signs went up. This new owner lives in New Hampshire so if anyone walks the trails, they walk at their own risk and
neither PRCWA nor Newburyport has any control or liability but I doubt anyone will harass you. Now that the City has zoned the
area agricultural /conservation land; it is hoped the landowner will be eventually donating or selling the property to the City.
(No less than Five (5) No Trespassing signs in this one trail entrance!)