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Industrial and Agricultural History of the Parker River Watershed
Mills along the Parker River and its tributaries
Introduction: The village mill
Cart Creek Saw Mill (1708)
Jackman Brook Saw Mill
Little River Tide Mills
Emery-Scullard Grist Mill (1646)
Short-Pearson Grist Mill (1696)
Pearson Grist Mill (1831)
Mill River
Nelson Grist Mill (1644)
Pearson Fulling Mill (1643)
Pearson Grist Mill (1700)
Dodge Grist Mill (1780)
Stickney Mills (1740)
Parker River
Dummer-Spencer Mill (1636)
Byfield Woolen Factory (1794)
Nail making at the Byfield Woolen Factory (1794-96)
Wheeler-Tenney Snuff Mill also known as the Larkin-Morrill Mill (1735)
Pearson Snuff Mill (1830)
Byfield Snuff Co. Mill No. 3 (1860)
Georgetown Mills
Pine Island Creek Grist Mill (1757)
Rowley River Tide Mill (1760)
Quarries and Mines
Devil's Den (limestone quarry)
Fatherland Farm
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