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Meet the Board

​The Parker River Clean Water Association Board represents many of the towns that are part of the Parker River Watershed.     Some have experience from their work on Conservation Commissions, Land Conservation Organizations, while others come from water / sewer boards.     We have engineeers, scientists, conservation advocates and even legislators from all different walks of life.      All have a deep commitment to work toward and maintain a healthy Parker River Watershed. 

Jerry Mullins – President, LRTS Trail Manager             Residence: Newburyport, MA

Affiliations: Current member of the Citizens for Environmental Balance (Chair), Coastal Trails Coalition, Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society, National Trust for Historic Preservation Newburyport, Cable Advisory Committee, Newburyport Maritime Society, Newburyport Preservation Trust, Old South Historic Tour Manager.    Works full-time at EBSCO, located in Ipswich.

George Comiskey – Vice-President, former President   Residence: Georgetown, MA

Affiliations: Retired Merchant Marine (28 yrs), Lt-USNR (1978 – 89), current member of the Mass Audubon Society, Essex County Greenbelt Association, MA Rivers Alliance (Board Director).   Volunteer and advisor to the Blanding Turtles Headstart Program.

Norm Rehn – Treasurer                                                          Residence:  Newbury, MA

Affiliations: Software Engineer (37 yrs), current member of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, Essex County Greenbelt Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Class IV Whitewater Senior Trip Leader.

Rob Stevenson – Director, Fish Count Monitoring   Residence: Georgetown, MA

Affiliations: Former VP – PRCWA, Associate Professor of Biology, UMass Boston (20 years), Co-director of the Electronic Field Guide Project, Co-founder of the Center for Coastal Environmental Sensing Networks at UMass Boston, Supervisor of PRCWA Annual River Herring Count (10 years), Volunteer and advisor to the Blandings' Nest Protection Projects in Georgetown, MA (6 years).

Ann Witzig - Director, Water Quality Monitoring Program     Residence: Rowley, MA

Affiliations: Marine Scientist and now retired Career Technical Education (CTE) Environmental Science & Technology Instructor, Essex Agricultural and Technical High School.  With graduate studies from Louisiana State University's Center for Wetland Resources and coupled with years of regional and states work on water quality efforts; she hopes to apply this wealth of experience to the waters of the Parker River Watershed.

PRCWA:        The Board has regular monthly meetings as needed. (Via Zoom at this time.) 

Interested in serving on our board?      Please contact us!

(We also extend a grateful heart to to those in the past who have served in various positions on the board

in the last 26 years!)    Thank you for your sacrificing time and talent to preserving our watershed!!!)

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PRCWA Contacts

We'd love to hear from you and get your input on ways to preserve the Parker River Watershed and the Plum Island Sound.

PO Box 798, Byfield, MA  01922
Telephone :

Email :


Check out PRCWA's Facebook Page!


Webmaster: Jerry A. Mullins

 Contribute to our Online Watershed Journal!

Share common experiences & observations in our three beautiful watersheds (Essex, Ipswich, Parker).  Please share your activities with your photographs, mapping your location, and if possible, a journal reflection.


The results of your journal entry will be visualized, along with all of the other participants.

Our Purpose!


The PRCWA is a community-based, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the restoration and protection of the waters and environment of the Parker River and Plum Island Sound Watersheds.


Share us with the World

Help us spread the word about the importance of protecting our pristine  Parker River Watershed for the benefit of our quality of life and for the preservation of our environment .

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