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Parker River Watershed Open Space Planning

There has been increasing concern throughout our wateshed about the rapid loss of open space and the changes in community character that have resulted as the urban sprawl of the Boston metropolitan area spreads.  All of our watershed communities are in various stages of developing open space and recreation plans as well as master plans to guide future land use.  Below are links to plans that are currently on the web. For information about funding sources for open space and recreation, see our Open Space Funding page.


Local Open Space Information


  • Groveland Open Space Committee & Plan

  • Newbury Open Space Committee & Plan

  • Georgetown Open Space & Plan

  • West Newbury Open Space Committee & Plan

  • Newburyport Open Space Plan

  • Ipswich Open Space Committee & Plan

  • North Andover Open Space Plan

  • Boxford (Not found online)

  • Rowley (Not found online)                                                   

Several national organization have produced reports documenting the value of parks and open space as well as descriptions of funding strategies for aquiring land for parks and open space.  Examples include:

American Planning Association

  • Planning Communities for the 21st Century (3584k pdf file)

The Trust for Public Land

  • Economic Benefits of Open Space

  • Community Choices (conservation, development and taxes in Massachusetts)

Planning Commissioner's Journal

  • "Open Space" Zoning: What It Is & Why It Works

The Center for Rural Massachusetts

  • An Examination of Market Appreciation For Clustered Housing with Permanent Open Space

EOEA Article 97 Land Disposition Policy 

PRCWA Contacts

We'd love to hear from you and get your input on ways to preserve the Parker River Watershed and the Plum Island Sound.

PO Box 798, Byfield, MA  01922
Telephone :

Email :


Check out PRCWA's Facebook Page!


Webmaster: Jerry A. Mullins

 Contribute to our Online Watershed Journal!

Share common experiences & observations in our three beautiful watersheds (Essex, Ipswich, Parker).  Please share your activities with your photographs, mapping your location, and if possible, a journal reflection.


The results of your journal entry will be visualized, along with all of the other participants.

Our Purpose!


The PRCWA is a community-based, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the restoration and protection of the waters and environment of the Parker River and Plum Island Sound Watersheds.


Share us with the World

Help us spread the word about the importance of protecting our pristine  Parker River Watershed for the benefit of our quality of life and for the preservation of our environment .

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